Combustion Gasification & Propulsion Laboratory (CGPL)

Interdisciplinary Centre For Energy Research (ICER)
Indian Institute Of Science



Prof. Dasappa Srinivasiah


PhD - Faculty of Engineering

Curriculum Vitae


Bio: Prof. S Dasappa is the Chair of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Research and faculty at the Centre for Sustainable Technologies Indian Institute of Science. His major area of research is in the combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. With the emphasis on energy conversion processes, the R&D activities address both scientific and technological challenges. The research outputs have contributed towards the engineering domain by addressing – “Process to Product philosophy” including sustainability through the translational research. With over 200 publications in various international and national journals, conferences and edited books, and 25 patents, he has been involved in technology transfers across the globe. Prof Dasappa has been involved in several national and international projects and Green hydrogen in recent times. In the recent pandemic situation, Prof. Dasappa was instrumental in developing and deploying medical oxygen generator systems in hospitals. He has won several awards in Biomass energy – national and international and Professor Dasappa has been

  • Identified in the top 2 % of the Energy scientist in the world. Stanford University and published in the journal PLOS Biology Dec 2019.
  • Top 2 % of the Energy scientist by Elsevier Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators, August 2021 (Rank 2772 in Energy out of 2,29,150)
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