Combustion Gasification & Propulsion Laboratory (CGPL)

Interdisciplinary Centre For Energy Research (ICER)
Indian Institute Of Science


  • Patents

  • 1. S Dasappa and Sandeep Kumar, System and Method for producing hydrogen-rich syn-gas for hydrogen generation Indian Patent 390746, 2016.

  • 2. S. Dasappa, P. J. Paul and N.K.S. Rajan, Producer gas carburetor, European Patent No. 2496818 granted, Dated - June 2015.

  • 3. S. Dasappa, P. J. Paul and N.K.S. Rajan, Producer gas carburetor, US Patent No. 9181901 granted, Dated - November 2015.

  • 4. HS Mukunda, S. Dasappa, P.J. Paul, N.K.S. Rajan, D.N. Subbukrishna, A novel process and apparatus for the manufacture of precipitated silica from rice husk ash, Vietnam Patent No. 11795 granted, Dated - 2013.

  • 5. H.S. Mukunda, P.J. Paul, S. Dasappa, N.K.S. Rajan, G. Sridhar, H.V. Sridhar, An improved biomass gasifier, Japanese Patent No. 4805520 granted, Dated - 2011.

  • 6. HS Mukunda, S. Dasappa, P.J. Paul, N.K.S. Rajan, D.N. Subbukrishna, A novel process and apparatus for the manufacture of precipitated silica from rice husk ash, Japan Patent No. 4537379 granted, Dated - 2010.

  • 7. H.S. Mukunda, S. Dasappa, P.J. Paul, NKS Rajan, DN Subbukrishna, A novel process and apparatus for the manufacture of precipitated silica from rice husk ash, Indonesian Patent ID P 0024190 granted, Dated - 2009.

  • 8. S. Dasappa, H.S. Mukunda, P.J. Paul, N.K.S. Rajan, G. Sridhar, HV Sridhar, A process and apparatus for cleaning tar and dust laden gas to highest level of purity using Cn Technology, Indian Patent No. 215917 granted, Dated - 2008.

  • 9. H.S. Mukunda, S. Dasappa, P.J. Paul, NKS Rajan, D.N Subbukrishna, A novel process and apparatus for the manufacture of precipitated silica from rice husk ash, Chinese Patent No. ZL 200480005829.5 granted, Dated - 2008.

  • 10. H.S. Mukunda, S. Dasappa, P.J. Paul, NKS Rajan, DN Subbukrishna, A novel process and apparatus for the manufacture of precipitated silica from rice husk ash, Indian Patent No. 216477 granted, Dated - 2008.

  • 11. HS Mukunda, S. Dasappa, P.J. Paul, NKS Rajan, M. Jayamurthy, A process of removing hydrogen sulfide from a gaseous stream containing hydrogen sulphide, Indian Patent No. 193111 granted,

  • 12. H.S. Mukunda, S. Dasappa, P.J. Paul, N.K.S. Rajan, G. Sridhar, H.V. Sridhar, Fuel-efficient biomass stove and a method of operating the stove, Indian Patent No. 229283 granted, Dated - 2009.

  • 13. H.S. Mukunda, PJ Paul, S Dasappa, NKS Rajan, G Sridhar, HV Sridhar, An improved biomass gasifier, Indian Patent No. 217056 granted, Dated - 2008.

  • 14. HS Mukunda, PJ Paul, S Dasappa, NKS Rajan, G Sridhar, HV Sridhar, Biomass Gasifier Indian Patent No. 217056 granted, Dated Oct 2008.

  • 15. HS Mukunda, PJ Paul, S Dasappa, NKS Rajan, G Sridhar, HV Sridhar, Biomass Gasifier 9623(P-11) Switzerland 1840/99 Patent No. 693 929 granted, Dated - Oct 2000.

  • Books

  • 1. Gardiner, D. J., Roy,S., Djurovic, M., Corkish, R., Alwis, D., A., Yoshino, H., Raturi, A., Ravindran, M., Dasappa, S., Kumar, A., Hasan, M.N. (2009). Science plan on sustainable energy, as a part of International Council for Science. Regional office for Asia and the Pacific.

  • 2. Dasappa, S., Mukunda, H.S., Paul, P.J., Rajan, N.K.S., and team CGPL (2003). Biomass to Energy: The Science and Technology of the IISc Bio-energy systems. Dept of Aerospace Engg. Indian Institute of Science, 155.

  • Chapters in Books

  • 1. S. Dasappa and Anand M. Shivapuji, Biomass gasification: Thermochemical route to energetic bio-chemicals, Advanced Biofuel Technologies, Present Status, Challenges and Future Prospects, Elsevier, 978-0-323-88427-3, Pages 305-332, 2022.

  • 2. S. Dasappa, Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass, Transformation of Biomass: Theory to Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 133-157, 2014.

  • 3. S. Dasappa, Biomass gasification: Some of the experiences from India, Handbook Biomass gasification, Second Edition, BTG, Netherlands, 2012.

  • 4. S. Dasappa, Status, potential and challenges of promoting biomass gasification technologies for industrial applications in Africa; An UNIDO publication, 2008.

  • 5. S Dasappa, Biomass Gasification: for energy needs of the Tea Industry, Economic crisis in Tea Industries – Strategies for Scientific Management, Eds NK Jain, F Rahman and Peter Baker, Stadium Press LLC, 2008.

  • 6. H. S. Mukunda and S. Dasappa, “Regional programme on Biomass energy – Gasification and Bio-fuels for productive uses in the LAC Region” An UNIDO publlication, 2006-07.

  • 7. S Dasappa, “Overview of a few gasification technology packages in use overseas”, Chapter in a book entitled “Biomass Based Decentralized Power Generation” published by SPRERI, 2005.

  • 8. PJ Paul, S. Dasappa, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar, “ Biomass Derived Energy Carriers as Fuels in Engines and Fuel cells, Chapter in a book entitled “Biomass Based Decentralized Power Generation” published by SPRERI, 2005.

  • 9. H. S. Mukunda, S. Dasappa, P J Paul, N K S Rajan, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar and U Shrinivasa “Thermo-chemical conversion of biomass – a retrospective and a prospective”, Chapter in book entitled “ Rural Technology : a 25 years retrospective” Vol. 2. as part of Silver Jubilee celebration, ASTRA, 2004.

  • 10. P J Paul, M Jayamurthy, S Dasappa, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar, H S Mukunda, NKS Rajan, C Brage, T Liliedahl and K Sjostrom, "Tar characterisation in new generation agro-residue gasifier-cyclone and downdraft open-top twin air entry systems", Published in Biomass Gasification and Pyrolysis: State of the Art and Future prospects, Eds: Kaltschmitt K and Bridgwater AV, CPL Press, UK, 1997.

  • 11. H S Mukunda, S Dasappa, P J Paul, N K S Rajan, U Shrinivasa, G Sridhar and H V Sridhar, "Fixed bed gasification for electricity generation", Published in Biomass Gasification and Pyrolysis: State of the Art and Future Prospects, Eds: Kaltschmitt K and Bridgwater AV, CPL Press, UK, 1997.

  • 12. H S Mukunda, S Dasappa and U Shrinivasa, ``Wood Gasification in open-top gasifiers -- Technology and Economics'', published in a book entitled Renewable Energy - Sources for Fuels and Electricity, Island Press, Washington D C, 1993.

  • 13. B.N. Baliga and S. Dasappa `` Economics of wood based Published in a book "Power generation through renewable sources of energy," Tata McGraw Hill, 1991.

  • Journal Publications

  • 1. Singh, A., Gupta, A., Rakesh, N., Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2022). Syngas generation for methanol synthesis:oxy-steam gasification route using agro-residue as fuel. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 12(5), 1803-1818. [Link]

  • 2. Asheruddin, M., Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2022). Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass Char under Carbon Dioxide Flux in a Thermally Supported Environment: Experimental and One-Dimensional Numerical Investigations. Energy & Fuels, 36(3), 1574-1591. [Link]

  • 3. Marzbali, M. H., Saberi, A., Halder, P., Paz-Ferreiro, J., Dasappa, S., & Shah, K. (2022). Mechanistic and kinetic study of the hydrothermal treatment of paunch waste. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 177, 541-553. [Link]

  • 4. Shivapuji, A. M., Dasappa, S., & Rao, L. (2022). Assessment of planar laminar flame speed of Hythane generated in-situ from non-thermal plasma reforming of Methane: Flame tube based experiments and thermo-chemical analysis. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 29, 101179. [Link]

  • 5. Mohammed Asheruddin, N., Shivapuji, A. M., & Srinivasaiah, D. (2021). Influence of gas and solid phase thermo-physical and transport properties on the thermo-chemical conversion of char in reacting media: intra-particle, microscopic and temporal mass loss-based sensitivity analysis. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 25(4), 589-630. [Link]

  • 6. Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2020). Numerical assessment of methane number and critical compression ratio of gaseous alternative fuels: CFR engine quasi dimensional simulation approach. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 20, 100661. [Link]

  • 7. Kumar, D. R., Chanakya, H. N., Bhatia, S., & Dasappa, S. (2020). Predicting biogas production from a two-plot fit of extractables and recalcitrants from ligno-cellulosic biomass feedstocks. Bioresource Technology Reports, 10, 100411. [Link]

  • 8. Subramanian, P. G., Jain, A., Shivapuji, A. M., Sundaresan, N. R., Dasappa, S., & Rao, L. (2020). Plasma‐activated water from a dielectric barrier discharge plasma source for the selective treatment of cancer cells. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 17(8), 1900260. [Link]

  • 9. Jaiswal, A. K., Ananthanarasimhan, J., Shivapuji, A. M., Dasappa, S., & Rao, L. (2020). Experimental investigation of a non-catalytic cold plasma water-gas shift reaction. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(46), 465205. [Link]

  • 10. Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2020). Numerical assessment of methane number and critical compression ratio of gaseous alternative fuels: CFR engine quasi dimensional simulation approach. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 20, 100661. [Link]

  • 11. Borooah, R., Chanakya, H. N., & Dasappa, S. (2020). Investigations into the performance of single chamber sanitary napkin incinerators with emphasis on CO and CO2 emissions. Waste Management, 102, 667-676. [Link]

  • 12. Ananthanarasimhan, J., Lakshminarayana, R., Anand, M. S., & Dasappa, S. (2019). Influence of gas dynamics on arc dynamics and the discharge power of a rotating gliding arc. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 28(8), 085012. [Link]

  • 13. Ganesh Subramanian, P. S., Harsha, R., Manju, D. K., Hemanth, M., Lakshminarayana, R., Anand, M. S., & Dasappa, S. (2019). Characterization of plasma activated water for medical applications. Advanced Materials Letters, 10(12), 919-923. [Link]

  • 14. Punith, N., Harsha, R., Lakshminarayana, R., Hemanth, M., S Anand, M., & Dasappa, S. (2019). Plasma activated water generation and its application in agriculture. Advanced Materials Letters, 10(10), 700-704. [Link]

  • 15. Suresh, N. S., Thirumalai, N. C., & Dasappa, S. (2019). Modeling and analysis of solar thermal and biomass hybrid power plants. Applied Thermal Engineering, 160, 114121. [Link]

  • 16. Ananthanarasimhan, J., Rao, L., Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2019). Characterization and applications of non-magnetic rotating gliding arc reactors—a brief review. Frontiers in Advanced Materials Research, 1(1), 31-38. [Link]

  • 17. Suresh, N. S., Thirumalai, N. C., & Dasappa, S. (2019). Modeling of solar and biomass hybrid power generation—A techno-economic case study. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, 3(1), 101-114. [Link]

  • 18. Ravi Kumar, D., Chanakya, H. N., & Dasappa, S. (2019). Anaerobic digestion potential of leaf litter: Degradability and gas production relationships. In Waste Valorisation and Recycling (pp. 553-556). Springer, Singapore. [Link]

  • 19. Rakesh, N., & Dasappa, S. (2018). Analysis of tar obtained from hydrogen-rich syngas generated from a fixed bed downdraft biomass gasification system. Energy Conversion and Management, 167, 134-146. [Link]

  • 20. Rakesh, N., & Dasappa, S. (2018). A critical assessment of tar generated during biomass gasification-Formation, evaluation, issues and mitigation strategies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 91, 1045-1064. [Link]

  • 21. Ail, S. S., Benedetti, V., Baratieri, M., & Dasappa, S. (2018). Fuel-Rich Combustion Synthesized Co/Al2O3 Catalysts for Wax and Liquid Fuel Production via Fischer–Tropsch Reaction. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(11), 3833-3843. [Link]

  • 22. Chatterjee, D., Leisyte, L., Dasappa, S., & Sankaran, B. (2018). University research commercialization in emerging economies: a glimpse into the ‘black box’. Science and Public Policy, 45(3), 361-372. [Link]

  • 23. Sharma, M., & Dasappa, S. (2017). Emission reduction potentials of improved cookstoves and their issues in adoption: An Indian outlook. Journal of environmental management, 204, 442-453. [Link]

  • 24. Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2017). Analysis of thermodynamic scope engine simulation model empirical coefficients: Suitability assessment and tuning of conventional hydrocarbon fuel coefficients for bio syngas. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(26), 16834-16854. [Link]

  • 25. Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2017). Quasi dimensional numerical investigation of syngas fuelled engine operation: MBT operation and parametric sensitivity analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering, 124, 911-928. [Link]

  • 26. Snehesh, A. S., Mukunda, H. S., Mahapatra, S., & Dasappa, S. (2017). Fischer-Tropsch route for the conversion of biomass to liquid fuels-Technical and economic analysis. Energy, 130, 182-191. [Link]

  • 27. Kumar, S., & Dasappa, S. (2017). Modeling and analysis of single particle conversion of biomass in a packed bed gasification system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 112, 1382-1395. [Link]

  • 28. Prando, D., Ail, S. S., Chiaramonti, D., Baratieri, M., & Dasappa, S. (2016). Characterisation of the producer gas from an open top gasifier: Assessment of different tar analysis approaches. Fuel, 181, 566-572. [Link]

  • 29. Shivananda, S., & Dasappa, S. (2016). Investigations into enhanced wax production with combustion synthesized Fischer Tropsch catalyst. Energy Conversion and Management, 116, 80-90. [Link]

  • 30. Mahapatra, S., Kumar, S., & Dasappa, S. (2016). Gasification of wood particles in a co-current packed bed: Experiments and model analysis. Fuel Processing Technology, 145, 76-89. [Link]

  • 31. Sharma, M., Rakesh, N., & Dasappa, S. (2016). Solid oxide fuel cell operating with biomass derived producer gas: status and challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 60, 450-463. [Link]

  • 32. Ail, S. S., & Dasappa, S. (2016). Biomass to liquid transportation fuel via Fischer Tropsch synthesis–Technology review and current scenario. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 58, 267-286. [Link]

  • 33. Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2015). Influence of fuel hydrogen fraction on syngas fueled SI engine: Fuel thermo-physical property analysis and in-cylinder experimental investigations. international journal of hydrogen energy, 40(32), 10308-10328. [Link][PDF]

  • 34. Sharma, M., Attanoor, S., & Dasappa, S. (2015). Investigation into co-gasifying Indian coal and biomass in a down draft gasifier—Experiments and analysis. Fuel Processing Technology, 138, 435-444. [Link][PDF]

  • 35. Sandeep, K., & Dasappa, S. (2014). First and second law thermodynamic analysis of air and oxy-steam biomass gasification. international journal of hydrogen energy, 39(34), 19474-19484. [Link][PDF]

  • 36. Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2014). In-cylinder investigations and analysis of a SI gas engine fuelled with H2 and CO rich syngas fuel: Sensitivity analysis of combustion descriptors for engine diagnostics and control. international journal of hydrogen energy, 39(28), 15786-15802. [Link][PDF]

  • 37. Mahapatra, S., & Dasappa, S. (2014). Experiments and analysis of propagation front under gasification regimes in a packed bed. Fuel processing technology, 121, 83-90. [Link][PDF]

  • 38. Mahapatra, S., & Dasappa, S. (2014). Influence of surface area to volume ratio of fuel particles on gasification process in a fixed bed. Energy for Sustainable Development, 19, 122-129. [Link][PDF]

  • 39. Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2014). Selection and thermodynamic analysis of a turbocharger for a producer gas-fuelled multi-cylinder engine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 228(3), 340-356. [Link][PDF]

  • 40. Sandeep, K., & Dasappa, S. (2014). Oxy–steam gasification of biomass for hydrogen rich syngas production using downdraft reactor configuration. International journal of energy research, 38(2), 174-188. [Link][PDF]

  • 41. Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2013). Experiments and zero D modeling studies using specific Wiebe coefficients for producer gas as fuel in spark-ignited engines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 227(3), 504-519. [Link][PDF]

  • 42. Dasappa, S. (2013). Scientific and technological aspects of fixed bed biomass gasification. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 246). AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA. [Link][PDF]

  • 43. Dasappa, S., & Sridhar, H. V. (2013). Performance of a diesel engine in a dual fuel mode using producer gas for electricity power generation. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 32(3), 153-168. [Link][PDF]

  • 44. Dasappa, S., Sridhar, G., & Paul, P. J. (2012). Adaptation of small capacity natural gas engine for producer gas operation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 226(6), 1568-1578. [Link][PDF]

  • 45. Dasappa, S., Sridhar, H. V., & Muzumdar, I. (2012). Experiments on and thermodynamic analysis of a turbocharged engine with producer gas as fuel. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 226(4), 1004-1015. [Link][PDF]

  • 47. Gnanendra, P. M., Ramesha, D. K., & Dasappa, S. (2012). Preliminary investigation on the use of biogas sludge for gasification. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 31(4), 251-267.[Link][PDF]

  • 48. Dasappa, S. (2011). Potential of biomass energy for electricity generation in sub-Saharan Africa. Energy for Sustainable Development, 15(3), 203-213.[Link][PDF]

  • 49. Dasappa, S., Subbukrishna, D. N., Suresh, K. C., Paul, P. J., & Prabhu, G. S. (2011). Operational experience on a grid connected 100 kWe biomass gasification power plant in Karnataka, India. Energy for sustainable development, 15(3), 231-239.[Link][PDF]

  • 50. Dasappa, S., Sridhar, H. V., Sridhar, G., & Paul, P. J. (2011). Science and technology aspects of bio-residue gasification. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1(3), 121-131.[Link][PDF]

  • 51. Mukunda, H. S., Dasappa, S., Paul, P. J., Rajan, N. K. S., Yagnaraman, M., Kumar, D. R., & Deogaonkar, M. (2010). Gasifier stoves–science, technology and field outreach. Current Science, 627-638.[Link][PDF]

  • 53. Mahapatra, S., Chanakya, H. N., & Dasappa, S. (2009). Evaluation of various energy devices for domestic lighting in India: Technology, economics and CO2 emissions. Energy for Sustainable Development, 13(4), 271-279.[Link][PDF]

  • 54. Ravindranath, N. H., Balachandra, P., Dasappa, S., & Rao, K. U. (2006). Bioenergy technologies for carbon abatement. Biomass and Bioenergy, 30(10), 826-837.[Link][PDF]

  • 55. Rao, S. G., Sridhar, H. V., Dasappa, S., & Paul, P. J. Case Studies on Small Scale Biomass Gasifier Based Decentralized Energy Generation Systems. [Link][PDF]

  • 56. Sridhar, G., Sridhar, H. V., Dasappa, S., Paul, P. J., Rajan, N. K. S., & Mukunda, H. S. (2005). Development of producer gas engines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 219(3), 423-438.[Link][PDF]

  • 57. Sridhar, G., Dasappa, S., Sridhar, H. V., Paul, P. J., Rajan, N. K. S., Mukunda, H. S., & Shrinivasa, U. (2005). Gaseous emissions using producer gas as fuel in reciprocating engines. In SAE Centenary Conference Paper, Detroit (pp. No-pp). SAE International.[Link][PDF]

  • 58. Dasappa, S., Paul, P. J., Mukunda, H. S., Rajan, N. K. S., Sridhar, G., & Sridhar, H. V. (2004). Biomass gasification technology–a route to meet energy needs. Current science, 908-916.[Link][PDF]

  • 59. Ravindranath, N. H., Somashekar, H. I., Dasappa, S., & Reddy, C. J. (2004). Sustainable biomass power for rural India: Case study of biomass gasifier for village electrification. Current science, 932-941.[Link][PDF]

  • 60. Dasappa, S. (2004). Biomass gasification for energy needs of tea industry. International Journal of Tea Science (IJTS), 3(3/4), 83-94.

  • 61. Dasappa, S., Sridhar, H. V., Sridhar, G., Paul, P. J., & Mukunda, H. S. (2003). Biomass gasification—a substitute to fossil fuel for heat application. Biomass and Bioenergy, 25(6), 637-649.[Link][PDF]

  • 62. Dasappa, S., & Paul, P. J. (2001). Gasification of char particles in packed beds: analysis and results. International journal of energy research, 25(12), 1053-1072.[Link][PDF]

  • 63. Somashekhar, H. I., Dasappa, S., & Ravindranath, N. H. (2000). Rural bioenergy centres based on biomass gasifiers for decentralized power generation: case study of two villages in southern India. Energy for Sustainable Development, 4(3), 55-63.[Link][PDF]

  • 64. Sridhar, G., Sridhar, H. V., Dasappa, S., Paul, P. J., Rajan, N. K. S., Shrinivasa, U., & Mukunda, H. S. (1996). Technology for gasifying pulverised bio-fuels including agricultural residues. Energy for Sustainable Development, 3(2), 9-18.[Link][PDF]

  • 65. Mukunda, H. S., Paul, P. J., Dasappa, S., Shrinivasa, U., Sharan, H., Buehler, R., ... & Kaufmann, H. (1994). Results of an Indo-Swiss programme for qualification and testing of a 300-kW IISc-Dasag gasifier. Energy for sustainable development, 1(4), 46-49.[Link][PDF]

  • 66. Mukunda, H. S., Dasappa, S., Paul, P. J., Rajan, N. K. S., & Shrinivasa, U. (1994). Gasifiers and combustors for biomass–technology and field studies. Energy for Sustainable Development, 1(3), 27-38.[Link][PDF]

  • 67. Dasappa, S., Paul, P. J., Mukunda, H. S., & Shrinivasa, U. (1994). The gasification of wood-char spheres in CO2 N2 mixtures: analysis and experiments. Chemical Engineering Science, 49(2), 223-232.[Link][PDF]

  • 68. Mukunda, H. S., Dasappa, S., Swati, B., & Shrinivasa, U. (1993). Studies on a stove for powdery biomass. International Journal of energy research, 17(4), 281-291.[Link][PDF]

  • 69. Baliga, B. N., Dasappa, S., Shrinivasa, U., & Mukunda, H. S. (1993). Gasifier-based power generation: technology and economics. Sadhana, 18(1), 57-75.[Link][PDF]

  • 70. Srinivas, S. N., Ravindranath, N. H., Dasappa, S., & Mukunda, H. S. (1992). Wood gasifier based rural power generation system: a case study. Pacific & Asian Journal of Energy, 2(2), 81-91. [Link]

  • 71. Dasappa, S., Shrinivasa, U., Baliga, B. N., & Mukunda, H. S. (1989). Five-kilowatt wood gasifier technology: Evolution and field experience. Sadhana, 14(3), 187-212.[Link][PDF]

  • 72. Mukunda, H. S., Shrinivasa, U., & Dasappa, S. (1988). Portable single-pan wood stoves of high efficiency for domestic use. Sadhana, 13(4), 237-270.[Link][PDF]

  • 73. Dasappa, S., Reddy, V., Mukunda, H. S., & Shrinivasa, U. (1985). Experience with Gasifiers for 3.7-kw Engines. Ambio, 275-279.[Link][PDF]

  • Master's Thesis

  • 1. Arun Shivashimpi, Development of ECU based Carburetion system for Stationary Power Generating Producer gas engine, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, 2016.,

  • 2. Nithin D, Numerical Assessment of influence of Engine geometry on the In-cylinder Turbulence and Turbulent Flame propagation in a Spark ignited Internal Combustion engine, JSSATE, Bangalore, 2016.

  • 3. Naresh Kumar, Experimental investigations on production of activated carbon from downdraft gasifier, Vellore Institute of Technology University, 2016.

  • 4. Punith, Numerical simulation of SOFC, JSSATE, Bangalore, 2016.

  • 5. Vaibhav Gulakhe, Analysis of Premixed and Diffusion Syngas flames, Government college of Engineering, Amravati, 2015.

  • 6. Manikanta, Numerical investigation of solid oxide fuel cell for Syngas application, SDM College of Engineering and Technology Dharwad, 2015.

  • 7. Vishwanath Walikar, Numerical and experimental investigation of producer gas fueled burner, The Oxford college of Engineering , Bangalore, 2015.

  • 8. Mallikarjun Bhure, Experimental and Numerical analysis of Producer gas fueled I.C Engine carburetor, B.V. Bhoomraddi College of Engineering and Technology Hubli, 2015.

  • 9. Bharadwaj.B.S, Thermodynamic and Fluid-dynamic Investigation of Char Combustion, The Oxford college of Engineering, Bangalore, 2015.

  • 10. Mahesh, Heat transfer analysis for fixed bed Fischer-Tropsch process, The Oxford college of Engineering , Bangalore, 2014.

  • 11. Amit Kumar, CFD Simulation and Experimental Validation of Producer Gas Fuelled SI Engine, U.B.D.T College of Engineering Davangere, 2013.

  • 12. Manjunath Basude, In-situ generation of activated carbon from biomass-using down draft reactor configuration, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, 2013

  • 13. Suresh Attanoor ,Combustion and Gasification of Coal- Biomass Mixture, Experiments and Analysis, SDM College of Engineering and Technology Dharwad, 2013.

  • 14. Manjunath Basude, In suit generation of activated carbon from biomass using downdraft gasifier, B.V. Bhoomraddi College of Engineering and Technology Hubli, 2013.

  • 15. Deepak, C Study of in-cylinder process in diesel engine on dual fuel mode, Master of Engineering Thesis (ME), UVCE, Bangalore University, Bangalore. 2011.

  • 16. Dhruva Kumar. M, Experimental Investigation of Natural Gas Engine using Producer Gas Engine as a fuel and modeling of mixing chamber”, Master of Engineering Thesis (ME), UVCE, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 2011.

  • 17. Sushil kumar, Producer gas burners, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, 2006.

  • 18. Indrajit Mazumdar. Performance evaluation of a turbocharger for producer gas operation, M Tech Dissertation, Department of Energy, Tezpur University, 2005.

  • 19. Swapna Singha Rabha, Particle Flow in Packed Bed Reactor, TEZPUR UNIVERSITY, 2005.

  • 20. Shylesh Narti, Experimental investigation into combustion front propagation rate in packed bed, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, 2004.

  • Doctoral Thesis

  • 1. Kumar, R. (2021). Experiments and Modeling of Biochemical conversion of biomass (Jointly with HN Chanakya).

  • 2. Suresh, N. S. (2021). Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Renewable Energy for Power Generation (Doctoral dissertation).

  • 3. Rakesh, N. (2020). Experiments and Modeling of fueling a SOFC with producer gas.

  • 4. Ail, S. S. (2019). Combustion synthesized cobalt catalysts for liquid fuel generation via Fischer Tropsch reaction (Doctoral dissertation).

  • 5. Kumar, S. (2016). Experiments and Analysis on Wood Gasification in an Open Top Downdraft Gasifier.

  • 6. Mahapatra, S. (2016). Experiments and analysis on wood gasification in an open top downdraft gasifier. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India.

  • 7. Prando, D. (2016). Use of biomass in South Tyrol: energy conversion and distribution to the end users. Bozen-Bolzano University Press.

  • 8. Shivapuji, A. M. (2015). In-cylinder experimental and modeling studies on producer gas fuelled operation of spark ignited gas engines (Doctoral dissertation, PhD thesis. http://cgpl. iisc. ernet. in/dasappa/img/pdf/thesis/anandMS_PhD_Thesis. pdf).

  • Technical Reports

  • 1. Interim report, RHESS - Work package fuel cell, Jan 2016, Ref: SD/CST/DST - 1.3/2016, 36 pages.

  • 2. Report to Tata Motors on the Adaptation of natural gas engines for producer gas-fueled operation. Ref: SD/CST/SID -22/2015, 42 pages.

  • 3. Progress report “Knock rating of non-regular fuels – Suitability assessment of Methane number for knock rating and estimation of Methane number for Producer gas”. Ref :SD/CST/SID -1/2015, 45 pages.

  • 4. Progress report “Thermo-physical properties of Producer Gas: Assessment of the influence on engine adaptation and performance”, Ref: SD/CST/SID -2/2015, 12 pages.

  • 5. Computation Fluid Dynamics based numerical investigation of producer gas-fueled engine using Converge Solver platform Ref: SD/CST/SID -2/2015, 23 pages.

  • 6. Final completion report on “Hydrogen and liquid fuels from biomass gasification” submitted to MNRE (Sanction Ref. No. 103/109/2007 – NT), September, 2014, 100 pages.

  • 7. Finalreport, Advanced Biomass Research Centre (ABRC) MNRE Ref No.3/3/2008 – R & D. September 2014, 312 pages.

  • 8. Final report Biomass Gasification Plant as a package of the system is addressed to suit the European condition emissions norms, after identifying the potential hazards and making a proper risk assessment. MNRE/MATT, 2014,

  • 9. Final report, Investigations on Multi-fuel Gasification using Fixed bed Configuration (MGF), submitted to VRDE, Oct 2014, 26 pages.

  • 10. S Dasappa, Technology Evaluation and Setting up technical standards for gasification program in Cambodia, UNIDO, July 2010.

  • 11. S.Dasappa, H N Chanakya and HI Somashekar, Invited talk at the Indo-French Workshop and conference on Science, Technology and Humanities - A Tryst with Sustainable Development held at IISc Bangalore January, 2010.

  • 12. S Dasappa, Potential for power generation in Nigeria and Benin for demonstration purposes, Nov 2009.

  • 13. Ramesh, S Dasappa, and P J Paul, Scientific investigations on the after cooler burning, Oct 2009.

  • 14. Invited lecture on "Power Generation from Renewables" in the MHRD/AICTE sponsored winter school at National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, Karnataka, 7 March 2009.

  • 15. S Dasappa and Suresh K, Technical report on the performance of the 20 kW gasification for Zambia, June 2008.

  • 16. Presented a paper "Gasification - a route to meet industrial energy needs" at the Experts group meeting on " Promoting renewable energy technologies for industrial applications" Sponsored by UNIDO, organized by TERI, Delhi,18 -19 Dec 2007.

  • 17. Invited talk on “Potential of biomass energy" at the' Millennium Energy Summit - 2007', organised by Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute and Millennium Institute of Energy Management, Kolkata, 27-29 Sept 2007.

  • 18. S Dasappa and HV Sridhar, Joint Performance Report on the 50 kW dual fuel system to electrify an Island, Cuba July 2007.

  • 19. Invited talk "Conversion of Non-fermentable waste to energy" at the Workshop on "Strategies for urban solid waste management in the state of Karnataka" organised by KSCST, DST and Government of Karnataka, Bangalore, 29 Dec 2006.

  • 20. S Dasappa, Invited talk on Biomass gasification – a route for off-grid power generation” the International Congress on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, ICORE 2005, Pune, 2005.

  • 21. Balachandra, P., Ravindranath, N. H., and Dasappa, S., “Ranking of Barriers and Identifying Important Measures for Bioenergy Technologies in India,” Asian Regional Research Programme in Energy, Environment, and Climate – Phase III, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, March 2004, 45 Pages.

  • 22. Ravindranath, N. H., Balachandra, P., and Dasappa, S., “Biomass Energy in Asia - Assessment and Strategy Formulation,” Asian Regional Research Programme in Energy, Environment and Climate – Phase III, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2004, 144 Pages.

  • 23. HS Mukunda, PJ Paul, S Dasappa, NKS Rajan, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar, Report on the Advanced Biomass Gasification Project, MNES, 2004 (100 pages).

  • 24. S Dasappa, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar, P J Paul and HS Mukunda, Testing of Cummins Gas Engine couple to IISc Biomass gasifier, report submitted to M/s Cummins, 2003.

  • 25. HS Mukunda, PJ Paul, S Dasappa and NKS Rajan, Report on the Gasification Action Research Project, MNES, 2002 (50 pages).

  • 26. Balachandra, P., K. Usha Rao, Ravindranath, N. H., Dasappa, S. and Sangeetha, G. (2002) Report on Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessment of Fossil Fuel Technologies for India, Asian Regional Research Programme in Energy, Environment and Climate – Phase-II, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Sept 2002.

  • 27. Usha Rao, K., Dasappa, S., Balachandra, P., Somashekar, H. I. and Ravindranath, N. H., “Report on Techno-economic and Environmental Assessment of Bioenergy Technologies (BETs) in India”, Asian Regional Research Programme in Energy, Environment and Climate – Phase-II, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2002, 26 Pages.

  • 28. Ravindranath, N. H., Usha Rao, K., Dasappa, S., Balachandra, P. and Sangeetha, G., “Report on Abatement Cost of Selected Bioenergy Technologies Substituting Fossil Fuel and Traditional Biomass Energy Systems in India”, Asian Regional Research Programme in Energy, Environment and Climate – Phase-II, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2002, 13 Pages.

  • 29. S Dasappa, H S Mukunda, P J Paul, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar, Ash extraction and control system for safe operation of gasifier, MNES report, 2001.

  • 30. HS Mukunda, PJ Paul, S Dasappa, NKS Rajan, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar, Report on the Powdery biomass gasification, MNES, 2000 (162 pages).

  • 31. Giordano, P, Hasler,P and Dasappa S, Test report on different biomass in the IISc open top co-current gasifier, Swiss federal office of Energy, Switzerland (20 pages).Year

  • 32. S Dasappa, HS Mukunda, PJ Paul, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar Testing of high density saw dust briquette from Holland, submitted to Umhelt, Switzerland, 1999 (50 pages).

  • Conference Proceedings

  • 1. A. Singh, A. M. Shivapuji, S. Dasappa, Carbon capture for bio-methanol production: breakthrough characteristics and practical demonstration. 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference, Lyon, France (23-27 October 2022) –Accepted.

  • 2. A. Singh, A. M. Shivapuji, S. Dasappa, Characterization and thermo-chemical conversion of agro-waste pellets for the generation of green fuels. Green Chemistry – Gordon Research Conference, Castelldefels, Spain (24-29 July 2022) – Accepted.

  • 3. A. Singh, A. M. Shivapuji, S. Dasappa, Li-LSX for oxygen production: column breakthrough dynamics and cyclic regeneration. 14th Fundamentals of Adsorption Conference, Denver, USA (22-27 May 2022).

  • 4. Mohamed Asheruddin, Anand M Shivapuji and S Dasappa A Methodology to Estimate Biomass Combustion Time from A Limited Set of Readily Measurable Parameters, 30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, May 2022, Marseille France.

  • 5. Mohamed Asheruddin, Anand M Shivapuji and S Dasappa, A Comprehensive Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Biomass Char Thermochemical Conversion in O2, CO2, H2O and ,their mixtures, 30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Marseille May 2022, Marseille, France.

  • 6. Arashdeep Singh, Anand M Shivapuji and S Dasappa, Novel vacuum-pressure swing adsorption process for PEMFC compliant Bio-hydrogen production, 30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, May 2022, Marseille France.

  • 7. Sagar Panda, Anand M Shivapuji and Sasappa, Adaptation of A.T.F. gas turbine combustor for bio-derived Syngas combustion, 30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, May 2022, France.

  • 8. Arvind Gupta, Dasappa S, Hydrogen from Biomass by Oxy-Steam Gasification - A Quantitative Analysis of Cases, Proceedings of the 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 778 – 782, May 14 -17, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. 17 S Dasappa – 2022

  • 9. Rakesh N , Dasappa S, Biosyngas for Electricity Generation Using Fuel Cells - A Gas Quality Assessment, Proceedings of the 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 708 -713, May 14 -17, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018.

  • 10. Rohit Borooah, Chanakya H N, Dasappa S, Performance Evaluation of Commercial Sanitary Napkin Incinerator, Proceedings of the 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Poster Presentation, May 14 -17, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018.

  • 11. Ravi Dhavaleswarapu, Chanakya HN, Dasappa S, On the Effect of the Particle Size And its Relationship with Gas Production, Proceedings of the 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Poster Presentation, May 14 -17, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018.

  • 12. S Dasappa, Anand Shivapuji, LN Rao, Chanakya HN, Balachandra P, Liquid Fuels From Biomass: An Approach to Produce Methanol and DME for Meeting the Energy Needs, Proceedings of the IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment, Jan 4 -6, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2018.

  • 13. Suresh NS, Thirumalai NC, Dasappa S, Solar Photovoltaic and Biomass Hybrid Power Generation, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER), Dec 12–14, IIT Bombay, India, 2017.

  • 14. Priyanka Tripathi, Sadhan Mahapatra and S Dasappa, Estimation and characterization of tar from an open top downdraft gasifier, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER), Dec 12–14, IIT Bombay, India, 2017.

  • 15. Rumi Rajbongshi, Pranab Deb, Sadhan Mahapatra and S Dasappa , Biomass gasifier-based hybrid energy system optimization for energy access by using HOMER, Proceedings of the 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1612-1618, Jun 6 -9, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2016.

  • 16. S Dasappa, Anand M Shivapuji, Amit Kumar, Modeling of Solid oxide fuel cell for producer gas application, Proceedings of the 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 831-836, Jun 6 -9, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2016.

  • 17. S Dasappa and Bharti, Well to wheel - a case study of usage of Beema Bamboo as a Sustainable energy source, Proceedings of the 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 837-841, Jun 6 -9, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2016.

  • 18. S Dasappa, Is thermo-chemical conversion process of biomass – a route for fuel cell application? Proceedings of the 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 903-907, Jun 6 -9, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2016.

  • 19. S Dasappa, Anand Shivapuji and Amit Kumar, Small capacity producer gas engine adaption from natural gas for decentralized power generation application, Proceedings of the International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition, 29 - 40, Oct 21- 23, Shanghai, China, 2015.

  • 20. Anand M Shivapuji, S Dasappa, Performance evaluation tool for simulating gas engine – a GUI package, Proceedings of the International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition, 45-47, Oct 21- 23, Shanghai, China, 2015.

  • 21. P. Balachandra, Sadhan Mahapatra, DC Baruah, HN Chanakya and S Dasappa, Eco-Enterprises, Policies and Institutional Setup for RHEES - North East, Proceedings of the International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition, 154-160, Oct 21- 23,Shanghai, China, 2015.

  • 22. H N Chanakya, S Dasappa and P. Balachandra, Meeting the energy needs of the village using biomass - a concept to implementation, Proceedings of the International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition, Page No. Oct 21- 23, Shanghai,China, 2015.

  • 23. Shivapuji, A. M., Kumar, A. and Dasappa, S. Combustion characterization of compressed natural gas and syngas fuelled engine operation under steady and transient conditions, Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion(ASPACC 2015), Page No. July 20 -22, Beijing, China, 2015.

  • 24. D. Prando, S. Shivananda, W. Tirler, D. Chiaramonti, S. Dasappa, M. Baratieri, Characterization of tar depositions of three commercial gasification systems, Proceedings of the 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 867-870,Jun 1 – 4, Vienna, Austria, 2015.18 S Dasappa – 2022

  • 25. Snehesh Shivananda Ail and S Dasappa, Characterization of SiO2 supported Co catalysts synthesized by solution combustion, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, Aug 24 -27, Ashville, USA, 2014.

  • 26. S Dasappa, DN Subbu Krishna, Bikas Bose and Tauri H, Adaptation of MW level natural gas lean burn engine for producer gas operation – A grid connected power plant, Proceedings of the 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 867-870, Jun 23 - 26, Hamburg, Germany, 2014.

  • 27. S. Dasappa, K C Suresh and D N Subbukrishna, Experience of operating an open top biomass gasifier using a low density fuel – Coconut fronds, Proceedings of the 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 614-617, Jun 23 - 26,Hamburg, Germany, 2014.

  • 28. S. Dasappa, D N Subbukrishna and NKS Rajan, Sweetening of biogas in spray towers fro power generation, Proceedings of the 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 554-557, Jun 23 - 26, Hamburg, Germany, 2014.

  • 29. S. Dasappa, P. Prabhakar and D N Subbukrishna, Biomass gasification to substitute fossil fuel in food industry,Proceedings of the 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1579-1563, Jun 23 - 26, Hamburg, Germany, 2014.

  • 30. Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. Sensitivity analysis of mixture quality on combustion phasing and its impact on 0D simulation of a producer gas fuelled multi-cylinder engine, Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, 449 – 452, May 19 - 22, Gyeongju, South Korea, 2013. This paper was awarded the Young Investigator Award 2013.

  • 31. Anand M Shivapuji, Amit Kumar, Prakash ES and Dasappa S, Experiments and CFD simulation of producer gas fuelled SI engine: Towards addressing high exhaust enthalpy and cooling loads, Proceedings of the 23rd National Conference on I. C. Engine and Combustion, Page No, Dec 13 – 16, Gujarat, India, 2013.

  • 32. Anand M Shivapuji, S Dasappa, Knock and its prediction in producer gas fuelled SI engines Proceedings of the International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies, 227 – 236, Sept 3 -5, Vienna, Austria, 2013.

  • 33. S Dasappa, D N Subbukrishna, H V Gopinath, David Chiaramonti, Roberto Mussi, Andrea Maria Rizzo, Small scale fixed bed gasification system for power generation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies, 286 – 291, Sept 3 -5, Vienna, Austria, 2013.

  • 34. D. Chiaramonti, S. Dasappa, R. Mussi, A.M. Rizzo, R.Nistri, M.Buffi, M.Prussi, D N Subbukrishna, HV Gopinath, Small Scale gasification of Agricultural residues for power generation, Proceedings of the 21st European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 480 – 485, June 3 – 7, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2013.

  • 35. Anand M Shivapuji and S Dasappa, Experimental Studies on Multi-Cylinder Natural Gas Engine Fueled with Producer Gas, Proceedings of the 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 974 - 980, Jun 6 – 11, Hamburg, Germany, 2011.

  • 36. Sandeep K, Snehesh S and S Dasappa, Carbon-dioxide sequestration through biomass gasification, Proceedings of the 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1127 – 1133, Jun 6 – 11, Hamburg, Germany, 2011.

  • 37. Sadhan Mahapatra and S. Dasappa, Off-grid biomass gasification based rural electrification in lieu of grid extension, Proceedings of the 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2203 – 2208, Jun 6 – 11, Hamburg, Germany, 2011.

  • 38. GS Sheshagiri, NKS Rajan, S Dasappa, PJ Paul, Agro residue mapping of India, Proceedings of the 17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 375-382, Jun 29 – Jul 3, Hamburg, Germany, 2009.

  • 39. DN Subbukrishna, S Dasappa, PJ Paul, NKS Rajan, KC Suresh, Treatment of Water used for Producer gas cooling and cleaning in IISc biomass gasification technology, Proceedings of the 17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 661-664, Jun 29 – Jul 3, Hamburg, Germany, 2009. 19 S Dasappa – 2022

  • 40. DN Subbukrishna, S Dasappa, PJ Paul, NKS Rajan, Charcoal and power generation using biomass gasification, Proceedings of the 17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 814-816, Jun 29 – Jul 3, Hamburg, Germany, 2009. Best Visual Presentation Award.

  • 41. S. Dasappa, P J Paul, G. Amar Kumar, Biomass gasification to replace oil in rubber, Proceedings of the 17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2188-2191, Jun 29 – Jul 3, Hamburg, Germany, 2009.

  • 42. S. Dasappa, PJ Paul, D.N. Subbukrishna, High temperature application using biomass gasification, Proceedings of the 17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1010-1012, Jun 29 – Jul 3, Hamburg, Germany, 2009.

  • 43. S. Dasappa, P.J. Paul, Prabhakar, Metallurgical application using biomass gasification, Proceedings of the 17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2026-2029, Jun 29 – Jul 3, Hamburg, Germany, 2009.

  • 44. S. Dasappa, P.J. Paul, V. Chinchankar, M. Kulkarni, Preliminary investigation into naturally aspirated and turbo charged producer gas engines, Proceedings of the 17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 811-813, Jun 29 – Jul 3, Hamburg, Germany, 2009.

  • 45. Sandeep K and S Dasappa, Hydrogen production through Biomass gasification, Proceedings of the World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC), 2009.

  • 46. HV Sridhar G Sridhar, S Dasappa, PJ Paul and HS Mukunda, On the operation of high pressure biomass gasifier with gas turbine, Proceedings of the 15th European Biomass conference and Exhibition, 964-967, May 7 – 11, Berlin, Germany, 2007.

  • 47. G Sridhar, DN Subbukrishna, HV Sridhar, S Dasappa, PJ Paul and HS Mukunda, Torrefaction of Bamboo, Proceedings of the 15th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 532-535, May 7 – 11, Berlin, Germany, 2007.

  • 48. G Sridhar, S Dasappa, H V Sridhar PJ Paul and NKS Rajan, Green Electricity – A case study of a Grid linked Independent Power Producer, Proceedings of the 15th European Biomass conference and Exhibition, 2256-2260, May 7 – 11, Berlin, Germany, 2007.

  • 49. DN Subbukrishna, KC Suresh PJ Paul, S Dasappa, and NKS Rajan, Precipitated silica from Rice husk ash by IPSIT process, Proceedings of the 15th European Biomass conference and Exhibition, 2091-2093, May 7 – 11, Berlin, Germany, 2007.

  • 50. S Dasappa, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar, NKS Rajan, PJ Paul and A Upasani, Producer gas engines – proponent of clean energy technology, Proceedings of the 15th European Biomass conference and Exhibition, 976-980, May 7 – 11, Berlin, Germany, 2007.

  • 51. S. Dasappa, Status, potential and challenges of promoting biomass gasification technologies for industrial applications in Africa. The First High-level Biofuels Seminar in Africa Proceedings of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 10, Jul 30 – Aug 1, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2007.

  • 52. HV Sridhar, G Sridhar, S Dasappa, NKS Rajan and PJ Paul, Experience of using various biomass briquettes in IBG (IISc Bioresidue Gasifier), Proceedings of the 14th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, 749-752, Oct 17 -21, Paris, France, 2005.

  • 53. DN Subbukrishna, S Dasappa, P J Paul and NKS Rajan, Hydrogen Sulfide removal from biogas by ISET process, Proceedings of 14th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, 1596-1599, Oct 17 -21, Paris, France, 2005.

  • 54. G Sridhar, HV Sridhar, S Dasappa, PJ Paul, D Subbukrishna and NKS Rajan, Green Electricity from Biomass Fuelled Producer Gas Engine, Proceedings of 14th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, 1489-1492, Oct 17 -21, Paris, France, 2005.

  • 55. S. Dasappa, H. V. Sridhar, C. S. Bhaskar Dixit and H. S. Mukunda, Biomass combustion device for puffed rice conversion. Proceedings of 14th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, 1600-1602, Oct 17 -21, Paris, France, 2005.

  • 56. HV Sridhar, G Sridhar, S Dasappa, PJ Paul, NKS Rajan and K Ramakrishnan, Adaptation and performance evaluation of stationary SI Engines for producer gas applications, Proceedings of the 19th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, 485-489, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, December, 2005. This won the best paper award. 20 S Dasappa – 2022

  • 57. G Sridhar, S Dasappa, HV Sridhar, PJ Paul and NKS Rajan, Gaseous Emissions Using Producer Gas Fuel in Reciprocating Engines, Proceedings of SAE World Conference and Exhibition (SP- 1978), Page No. April 11 -14, Detroit, USA, 2005.

  • 58. PJ Paul, S. Dasappa, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar, Biomass Derived Energy Carriers as Fuels in Engines and Fuel cells, presented at the National Seminar on Biomass Based Decentralized Power Generation, Sponsored by MNES, DST and ONGC, Gujarat, 2005.

  • 59. PJ Paul, S. Dasappa, G Sridhar, H V Sridhar, “ Biomass Derived Energy Carriers as Fuels in Engines and Fuel cells, presented at the National Seminar on Biomass Based Decentralized Power Generation, Sponsored by MNES, DST and ONGC, Gujarat, 2005.

  • 60. S Dasappa, Invited talk on “Biomass gasification – a route for off grid power generation” the International Congress on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, ICORE 2005, Pune, 2005

  • 61. S Dasappa, Invited talk on “Power generation using biomass gasification” proceedings of the International Congress on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, ICORE 2004, Bangalore, 2004.

  • 62. S Dasappa, G Sridhar, HV Sridhar, PJ Paul and HS Mukunda, On the advances in thermo chemical conversion technology, Proceedings of the 2nd world conference on biomass for energy, industry and climate change, Page No. May 10-14, Rome, Italy, 2004.

  • 63. HV Sridhar, G Sridhar, S Dasappa, NKS Rajan, PJ Paul and HS Mukunda, Experience on use of biomass gasifiers in crumb rubber industries, Proceedings of the National conference on advances in mechanical engineering held at Shimoga, Karnataka, 12-14, February 2004.

  • 64. S Dasappa, Power Generation from Wood, Proceeding of the Advances in Wood Science and Technology, a compulsory course for IFS officers, organized by Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore, January, 2004.

  • 65. HV Sridhar, G Sridhar, S Dasappa., NKS Rajan, PJ Paul and HS Mukunda, Field experience of IISc gasification systems, Proceeding of the seminar on biomass gasifiers, Rubber Board, Kottayam, 2003.

  • 66. S Dasappa, Biomass gasification fundamentals and technology, at the National workshop on Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies organized by BNMIT and ASTRA, Page No., Jan, 2003.

  • 67. S Dasappa, Gasification technologies and by products, presented at a special workshop, on Small Scale Biomass Energy Program, organized by Biomasss One-stop Clearing House, Energy and Environment Foundation, Thailand, 2003.

  • 68. S Dasappa, On the estimation of power from a diesel engine converted for gas operation – a simple analysis, Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion, Page No. Dec. 18-20, Suratkal, 2001.

  • 69. S Dasappa, PJ Paul, HS Mukunda and U Shrinivasa, Wood-char gasification: Experiments and analysis on single particles and packed beds, 27th International Symposium on Combustion, 27 (1), 1335-1342, Boulder, Denver, USA, 1998.

  • 70. HN Sharan, HS Mukunda, S Dasappa, PJ Paul, NKS Rajan and U Shrinivasa, The technology and economics of biomass-based independent rural power producers using IISc- DASAG woody biomass gasifiers, Proceedings of the International conference on Developments in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, 1058-1072, Banff, Canada, 1997.

  • 71. HS Mukunda, S Dasappa, PJ Paul, NKS Rajan, G Sridhar and HV Sridhar, Recent progress in bioresidue gasification technologies, Proceedings of the International conference on Biomass Energy Systems, Page No. Feb 26 – 27, Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 1996.

  • 72. HS Mukunda, U Shrinivasa, PJ Paul, S Dasappa and NKS Rajan, Stand alone small power level system, Proceedings of the 7th Annual conference of Indian Nuclear Society Seventh Annual Conference on India's Energy Needs and Options : Strategy and Planning, Page No. April 11 -13, BARC, Mumbai, 1996.

  • 73. P Nanjundappa, HI Somashekar, HN Chanakya, S Dasappa, U Shrinivasa and HS Mukunda, Biomass gasifiers : a boon to semi-arid agriculture, Proceedings of the International conference on Biomass Energy Systems, Page No., Feb 26 – 27, Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 1996.

  • 74. S Dasappa, HV Sridhar, PJ Paul, HS Mukunda and U Shrinivasa, Wood-char sphere conversion with H2O and its mixtures with CO2, O2 and N2 - Experiments and Modelling, Poster presentation at the 26th International Symposium on Combustion, Jul 28 - Aug 2, Naples, Italy, 1996.

  • 75. NM Patel, PJ Paul, HS Mukunda and S Dasappa, Combustion studies on concentrated distillery effluents, Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Combustion, 26 (2), 2479-2485, Jul 28 - Aug 2, Naples, Italy, 1996.

  • 76. HS Mukunda, S Dasappa, PJ Paul, NKS Rajan and U Shrinivasa, Biomass Gasification: Technology and field studies, Proceedings of one day workshop on Rural Energy Programme - Prospects and Problems, KSCST, IISc, 1995.

  • 77. P Nanjundappa, HI Somasekhar, HN Chanakya, S Dasappa, U Shrinivasa, and HS Mukunda., Applications of Biomass Gasifiers for irrigation - A field study, Paper presented at the Workshop on Watershed Development and Bioenergy, Feb. 1994.

  • 78. S Dasappa, H V Sridhar, P J Paul, H S Mukunda and U Shrinivasa, On the combustion of wood-char spheres in O2/N2 mixtures - Experiments and Analysis, 25th International Symposium on Combustion, 25 (1), 569-576, Irvine, California, USA, 1994.

  • 79. G Sridhar, GA Rakesh, J Srinivasan, S Dasappa, PJ Paul, and HS Mukunda, Experimental studies on the performance of Hamara ST-5 Stirling Engine and possibilities for performance improvement, Proceedings of the 4th National meet on Recent Advances in Biomass Gasification Technology, Mysore , 1993.

  • 80. S Dasappa, PJ Paul and HS Mukunda, Fluid Dynamic studies on Ejectors for Thermal Applications of Gasifiers, Proceedings of the 4th National meet on Recent Advances in Biomass Gasification Technology, 147 – 162, Mysore, 1993.

  • 81. S Dasappa, P J Paul, NKS Rajan, HS Mukunda and U Shrinivasa, Woody biomass gasification for thermal, mechanical and electrical applications, Proceedings of the 1st International workshop on Energy perspectives in plantation industry, Coonoor, 1993.

  • 82. S Dasappa, PJ Paul, HS Mukunda and U Shrinivasa, Gasification of agro residues for engine application, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference Small Engines and their fuels, Thailand, 1993.

  • 83. HV Sridhar, S Dasappa, PJ Paul, HS Mukunda and U Shrinivasa, On the combustion of wood-char spheres in vitiated air -- Analysis and Experiments, Proceedings of the 4th National meet on Recent Advances in Biomass Gasification Technology, Mysore , 1993. Best paper award.

  • 84. HS Mukunda, U Shrinivasa, PJ Paul, S Dasappa and AE Krishnakanth, Development of powdery biomass gasifiers, Proceedings of the 3rd National meet on Recent Advances in Biomass Gasification Technology, Baroda, 1991.

  • 85. S Dasappa, PJ Paul, Mukunda and U Shrinivasa, On the modelling of gasification of char spheres with CO2, CO and N2, Proceedings of the 3rd National meet on Recent Advances in Biomass Gasification Technology, Baroda, 1991.

  • 86. S N Srinivas, N H Ravindranath, S Dasappa, U Shrinivasa and H S Mukunda, A Gasifier Based Rural Power Generation System : Performance and Problems, Proceedings of the 3rd National meet on Recent Advances in Biomass Gasification Technology, Baroda, 1991.

  • 87. U. Shrinivasa, S. Dasappa, B.N. Baliga, V. Ramesh and H.S. Mukunda, Development of 100 kW gasifier for Electricity generation, 1st National meet on Recent Advances in Biomass gasification technology, IIT Bombay, 1989.

  • 88. S. Dasappa, V. Ramesh and Vikram Krishnan, Improvements on 3.7 kW IISc Gasifier, 1st National meet on Recent Advances in Biomass gasification technology, IIT Bombay, 1989. Best paper award.

  • 89. S. Dasappa, H.S. Mukunda, B.N. Baliga and U. Shrinivasa, Status of wood gasification at the IISc, Proceedings of the International conference on Energy from biomass and wastes XII, Page No., Feb 15 -19, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1988.

  • 90. U Shrinvasa, H S Mukunda, S Dasappa and Svati Bhogle, Utilisation of powdered biomass, Idea paper submitted to Department of Non--Conventional Energy Sources, New Delhi, 1987.

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