Combustion Gasification & Propulsion Laboratory (CGPL)

Interdisciplinary Centre For Energy Research (ICER)
Indian Institute Of Science



Dr. Arashdeep Singh

PhD - Multi-component gas mixture separation: fundamental studies to pilot-scale development and characterization

Curriculum Vitae


Bio: Dr. Arashdeep is working as a Senior Engineer (R&D), Huskage Innovations Pvt. Ltd., Technology Business Incubator Foundation, IIT Ropar, Rupnagar – 140001, Punjab (India). Arashdeep has completed his Ph.D. from IISc. and was working on adsorption-based multi-component gas separation for his doctoral thesis. The research work involves, in addition to fundamental studies, the design and development of a low-pressure swing adsorption system with specific end gas application requirements towards (a) generation of stoichiometrically corrected gas mixture for catalytic bio-methanol synthesis and (b) bio-hydrogen (ISO 14687) for PEMFC operation. Additionally, the characterization of adsorbents, GC-MS based quantification of gas contaminants at various strategic locations of the gasification and gas separation unit, and design of appropriate syngas treatment systems are also being looked into. During 2020-2021, with the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and his experience in gas separation, Arashdeep has been primarily involved in designing air separation units generating medical grade oxygen at varied production volumes (3 - 60 Nm3/h). Many of such plants have been installed in hospital environments across India through technology transfer. Arashdeep is an alumnus of Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engineering and Technology (previously Government Engineering College), Bathinda [B.Tech – Mechanical Engineering]; and Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala [M.Eng. – Thermal Engineering]. He is an occasional Bhangra dancer, enjoys reading Punjabi Literature and plays Badminton, in his spare time.
