UNIDO/IISc Roundtable on Biomass Gasification Technologies.


Session 1

1. H S Mukunda - Motivation for Biomass Gasification at IISc.

2. Pradeep Monga - UNIDO and Renewable Energy.

3. Kishore - Scaling up biomass gasifier use- applications, barriers, and Interventions.

4. Dasappa - Bio-residue gasification, Science and Technology

Session 2

1. Sudhir Mohan - National Program on Biomass Gasification Technology.

2. Tom Hamlin - UNEP Experience.

3. S C Bhattacharya - Biomass Technologies at Asia.

4a. Balagopalan - Biomass Gasification for rubber drying.

4b. Balagopalan - Biomass Gasification for rubber drying.

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