General Specifications of Gasifiers

Parameter Description
Reactor Type Open top down draft gasifier
Standard system elements
( < 200 kWe or 800 kWth)
Reactor, cooling and cleaning system
Standard system elements
( > 200 kWe or 800 kWth)

 Reactor, cooling and cleaning system,Biomass conveying system,
Water treatment system, instrumentation and automation for safe operations.
Auxilliaries Biomass processor, Biomass drier
Specific Fuel Consumption  1 kg/kWh + 15 to 20% diesel at nominal loads (for dual fuel operation)
1.2 kg/kWh (for 100 % gas operation)
3 to 3.5 kg/kg of conventional petroleum based fuels (for thermal operation)
Feed Stock Any solid bio-residue of bulk density over 250 kg/m3,
ash content less than 5% and moisture content < 15%
Gasification Efficiency 80 – 83%

Requirements of Various Power Level Gasifiers

Capacity Biomass Consumption kg/hr Oil equivalent in thermal mode l/hr Biomass size   mm * mm * mm Space requirement (for gasifier only) m * m Water requirement cum/hr
20 kWe/80 kWth 20 6 20 * 20 * 25 3 * 3 3
40 kWe/160 kWth 40 12 30 * 30 * 40 5 * 4 5
80 kWe/320 kWth 80 20 40 * 40 * 60 6 * 5 8
200 kWe/800 kWth 200 60 60 * 60 * 70 8 * 8 20
500 kWe/ 2.0 MWth 500 150 120 * 120 * 75 10 * 12 30


Economic Calculations


Diesel cost = Rs 19.5/litre
Biomass cost = Rs 1000/ton
Cost on Capital = 15% PA
Diesel Engine one labour /shift @ 1500 Rs/month
Dual mode 2/shift upto 80 kWe, 3/shift at 200,500 kWe @ 1500/person/month
Operating hours = 5000 PA Biomass = 1 kg/unit
Depreciation = Straight-line depreciation for 25 years with 5% salvage value.
Maintenance = 5% of capitol cost for DG set, 10% of Gasifier + DG for dual fuel mode
Building cost is not considered in payback calculations

Power level, kWe Capital cost incl of DG in Lakh Rs
Typical building cost in Lakh Rs
20 10.5 2.0
40 12.25/17.75* 3.0
80 16/25* 3.5
200 60.0** 5.0
500 110.0** 10.0 10.0


*    Automatic fuel feed, cooling water recycling and cleanup with PLC controls
**   All as in * + Data acquisition and internet support
Economics for 6000 hours of operation/year

70 % diesel replacement for fluctuating loads

Power level Unit generation cost in diesel mode, Rs Unit generation cost in dual mode, Rs Payback period for Gasifier + DG set, Years Payback period for gasifier alone, Years
20 7.26 6.35 9.65 7.58
40 NA 6.56 4.73 2.8 2.0
40 A 6.56 5.39 6.34 5.1
80 NA 6.21 4.05 1.55 0.97
80 A 6.21 4.59 3.2 2.45
200 5.93 4.24 2.96 1.97
500 5.5 3.15 1.56 0.98

80 % diesel replacement for fluctuating loads

Power Level Unit generation cost in diesel mode, Rs Unit generation cost in dual mode, Rs Payback period for Gasifier + DG set, Years Payback period for gasifier alone, Years
20 7.26 5.7 5.6 4.4
40 NA 6.56 4.13 2.1 1.5
40 A 6.56 4.79 4.18 3.35
80 NA 6.21 3.47 1.21 0.76
80 A 6.21 4.0 2.36 1.8
200 5.93 3.68 2.22 1.48
500 5.5 2.63 1.28 0.72

NA – Non-Automated
A - Automated