Education qualification: M.Tech (Energy Systems)
Area of research:
- In-cylinder investigation of engine operation with bio-derived syngas, a fuel containing CO/H2/CH4 as the combustibles towards characterising the variation in thermo-kinematic response with respect to conventional fuels.
- 2. Development of quasi-dimensional model to address various intricacies not directly accessible from direct engine diagnostics
- Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2011). Experimental studies on multi-cylinder natural gas engine fueled with producer gas. In Proceedings of 19th European biomass conference and exhibition : from research to industry and markets, 6-10 June 2011, Berlin, Germany.
- Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2012). Experiments and Zero D modeling studies using specific Wiebe coefficients for producer gas as fuel in spark ignited engines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 227(3), 504-519.
- Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2013). Sensitivity analysis of mixture quality on combustion phasing and its impact on 0D simulation of a producer gas fuelled multi-cylinder engine. In Proceedings of 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion, 19-22 May 2013, Gyeongju, Korea.
- Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2013).Knock and its prediction in producer gas fuelled SI engines. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies, 3-5 September 2013, Vienna, Austria.
- Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2013).Experiments and CFD simulation of producer gas fuelled SI engine: Towards addressing high exhaust enthalpy and cooling loads. In Proceedings of 23rd National Conference on I C Engines and Combustion, 13-16 December 2013, Surat, India.
- Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2014). Selection and thermodynamic analysis of a turbocharger for a producer gas-fuelled multi-cylinder engine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 228(3), 340-356.
- Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2014). In-cylinder investigations and analysis of a SI gas engine fuelled with H2 and CO rich syngas fuel: Sensitivity analysis of combustion descriptors for engine diagnostics and control. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- Shivapuji, A. M., & Dasappa, S. (2015).Influence of fuel hydrogen fraction on syngas fueled SI engine: Fuel thermo-physical property analysis and in-cylinder experimental investigations, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,.40 (32), 10308-10328
Contact: | Centre for Sustainable Technologies, |
Indian Institute of Science | |
Bangalore |
E-mail ID: | anandms@cgpl.iisc.ernet.in , shivapujiam@gmail.com |